Forecasting for Google Sheets

AutoPredict 1.0

Features and Documentation

  • Automatic Forecast
  • Manual Forecast (ARIMA)
  • Rolling Correlation Plot
  • Autocorrelation (ACF) / PACF Plot
  • Seasonal / Trend Plot

No Fees

This product is free and there are no restrictions on its use. You can us a message if you have feedback, questions, or identify a bug.

Analyst Support

AutoPredict is free to use. However, if you need personalized support on a data project, send us a message.

How to Install

AutoPredict runs on top of Google Sheets (inside a sidebar panel). You must use Google Marketplace to install it as an add-on.

How it Works

  1. Select a range of cells
  2. Select "Load Data"
  3. Select a forecast or analysis

AutoPredict runs inside a sidebar panel in Google Sheets and offers six main functions.

AutoPredict runs on top of Google Sheets (inside a sidebar panel). You must use Google Marketplace to install it as an add-on.

Start - Load Data

Automatic Forecast

Forecast (ARIMA)

Autocorrelation Plot (ACF)

Seasonality vs. Trend Plot

Rolling Correlation Plot